I ending up moving forward with the job in Tallahassee, Florida. Sure the extra pay was sweet, but the main reason I selected this assignment was because of my brother.
He just graduated from Florida State University in December. He had studied computer science, but like most of us after graduation, was still figuring out what to do next. He applied for jobs, internships, and is considering graduate school as an option as well. He planned on staying in Tallahassee during spring while he figured out his next step.
1. What an opportunity to spend some quality time with my brother before he has to move away to who knows where and become a working robot.
2. I thought it would be nice to offer some support to him and guide him through the process of figuring out his next step.
And 3. I found a way to support him financially through my job!
Typically, as a traveling nurse practitioner, the agency will find a place for me to live. Prior to accepting this position, I asked if I could negotiate a housing stipend instead. Originally, I was told I would be given a housing stipend to that equal of a hotel stay for a month (so about $2000-$3000 per month). I knew that was too good to be true, especially in a cheap place like Tallahassee.
Apparently, it was the clinics first time using a locums and had a very tight budget. When it was time to sign the contract they tried offering me only $1000/month for housing. I was able to negotiate them up to $1500/month for housing. Even though it wasn’t as much as I had hoped for, it was still more than enough to support my plans.
My brother is currently renting out a 1 bed/1 bathroom apartment for $450/ month, utilities included (that college life). My plan is to move in with him and pay for his monthly rental. In addition, I would give him an extra $500/month for the inconvenience, and pocket the other $500 for myself (for the inconvenience).
Inconvenience meaning, I am used to living by myself but now I will have to share a place with someone else. But it may definitely be worth the extra $1500 profit. Inconvenience for my brother because I will be taking over his bedroom while he sleeps on a mattress in the living room.
It is definitely a win for my brother because he won’t have to focus on working enough to cover his rent (he works part time at a local supermarket, and my parents are no longer paying for his rent since he graduated). This will allow him ample time to continue applying for jobs and look into graduate school. It is also a win for him because he is profiting an extra $500/month from really doing nothing, which he can use to cover other living expenses or save for his future move.
I figured I would be happy no matter where I ended up in Florida. But at least this way I can help out someone close to me J The funny thing is I always thought of this as an option, for when my brother started the transitioning phase. How astonishing that everything actually fell into place!
Sounds like a plan to me! Congrats to ur brother – now the fun of finding a ‘big boy’ job!