This is my 4th time working for the same geriatric practice. I was a bit reluctant to start this new assignment because I was more interested in taking a break. But I had agreed to start soon after my last assignment as a favor to the company.
So far I have had a really good experience. The first time I worked with this company, I loved it and ended up staying for a year (in Virginia). The second time, I hated it because management was awful and it led to plenty of chaos (in Florida). The third time I returned to Virginia but worked at a different clinic. My experience was ok but I didn’t like it as much as the first time. I think because the clinic I was in had about 20 walk-ins (patients without appointments) per day. And the other providers had jammed packed schedules so I ended up having to see the majority of the walk-ins in addition to my scheduled patients.
The clinic I am working from in Chicago is pretty laid back. They only have 1 walk-in per day, which is such a relief. I don’t think the providers here know how lucky they are! My first day, the center manager and physicians took me out for lunch which was nice. I am also being scheduled with 40 min appointments to all patients new to me. The clinic is well run and organized so everyone does their job and I don’t have to back track.
The majority of my patients are Spanish speaking. Most of them are just really happy to have a Spanish speaking provider. There are friendly and I don’t even mind them dramatizing their complaints.
The medical director wants to meet with me each week to make sure everything is going well, which I really appreciate. Of course, he wants me to extend for another 3 months so I think they are trying to flatter me and avoid making me feel overwhelmed. I actually wouldn’t mind extending but I’ll decide next month, when I am working at full capacity.