Everyone thinks working in the medical field is recession proof. I mean – it usually is. Ironically this pandemic has caused many health care professionals to be furloughed. With the halt of elective procedures, a lot of specialty offices have closed, not to mention the various hospital wings that have been shut down.
Most primary care offices have shifted to telemedicine. With a decline in office visits, many health care providers have been let go, as the practice cannot afford to keep them.
How does this affect locum tenens work for us travelers? Unfortunately, there has been a decline in available locums jobs at this time. As I have described above, there is currently a lack of need for coverage. Since many providers have lost their jobs, there is also a surplus of available providers looking to do locums.
On the other hand, there are some specialties that are still in high demand. This includes psychiatric nurse practitioners, since a lot of the services are provided virtually. ICU or Hospitalist nurse practitioners are highly requested at this time as well. States such as NY and CA are also in need of nurse practitioners just to complete covid screening and testing.
Many of my readers have asked if it this is the right time to become a locums. Unfortunately, it’s not. So if you have a secure job, I would continue working at your permanent job until things cool down. Many of my readers have also mentioned they haven’t heard back from the recruiters they reached out to. Since there is a huge decline in job opportunities, the recruiters don’t have a reason to return your call.
I know plenty of travelers that got their assignment cancelled abruptly due to all of this. If you are currently on assignment, I recommend inquiring about an extension. Once the economy opens back up, there should slowly be an increase in locums job options. Until then, we have to be patient.
Good’s news, it picking up. Recruiters are reaching out. I had 4 locums queries this week (6/15-6/19) 3 for 3 months and 1 for a week, also PRNs in Texas will be restarting. I wouldn’t quit a job now for locums. I went locums after my job of 6 years was eliminated, the whole team of 16 people in 2019. So I tried locums and liked it. Three good 3 month + assignments. Took a break in Jan 2020, good thing with the virus, but began looking in late May and hope to have a couple of good assignments for the rest of the year. I am licensed in Virginia, Texas, Oregon, Maine, Massachusetts, so have a good range in seeking assignments.
I’m sorry, but I will never work in California no matter how high the pay. The taxes are overwhelming (even for non-residents) so the high pay is diluted by the taxes, even local sales taxes, property taxes (yes you pay them even as a guest in a hotel or AirBNB), gas taxes, etc.