I am writing this still on a high from my last day at the Bradenton clinic. I am just so grateful for my experience there. The patients were so sweet and the staff so friendly.
On my last day, dozens of patients passed by to give me gifts or just to say goodbye. They wrote the nicest things in their cards. It blew my mind that I made such an impact on them in the just the past 3 months or less. I felt myself trying to keep my distance from patients in this setting to prevent becoming attached to them. But as a nurse, caring for them is inevitable.
My care team surprised me with an edible arrangement. They were such a good team and I will keep in touch with them. The center manager provided the entire clinic lunch from a Japanese hibachi restaurant which was delicious. At the end of the day, we gathered together for a little party in the clinic.
My boss presented me with a gift and said a speech about how much they appreciated my help. The speech really touched me because he literally said “I don’t know how we would have survived these past few months without you. You did such an incredible job taking care of your patients, they trusted you in such a short amount of time.”
Afterwards, everyone had some wine and we did a little karaoke. It was hilarious. One of the doctor’s sung “The End is Near” as a representation of the mood. My boss asked what he should sing and I jokingly said Andrea Bocelli. The next thing I know he is singing Andrea Bocelli but in the most miraculous way. Turns out he sings really well!
At the end, no one wanted me to leave. They begged my boss to make me stay. He told them I already turned down his offer to become permanent. The doctors joked that they will make sure one of the new doctors gets pregnant quickly so I can return to cover the maternity leave.
I feel so blessed for these experiences! As always, leaving is bittersweet.

That was beautiful
. So nice when you are appreciated and unfortunately rare I think when you are a permanent employee.