Last year I had a couple of posts about a new nurse practitioner in Chicago that I was mentoring. I thought it would be nice to give an update on how she is doing since then.
In my previous posts I animated how the new nurse practitioner had a lot to learn and didn’t have much support from the physicians in her clinic. Since then she has registered in multiple boot camp courses to build upon her medical knowledge. She also studied for a few hours every day after work.
Besides asking me questions from afar, there were a couple of new physicians at her clinic that she was able to form good relationships with and go to them if she had any questions. As a result, her support network has improved.
She has been practicing at that clinic for over one year now and has come a long way. I am happy to report that she has excelled even beyond her fellow peers.
In her clinic of 4 providers, she has the top patient satisfaction scores and the top patient outcomes. This means she has been the most successful in keeping her patients out of the hospital and healthy.
I have also noticed her clinical knowledge has improved, along with her confidence. She doesn’t come to me as much with questions, and if she does, she typically already knows the correct answer.
I am proud to say she has graduated from her role as a novice nurse practitioner. I think it’s so important for new nurse practitioners to continue learning their first year working and find a mentor to guide them.
Please share the bootcamps she has attended