The Nice Part About Being Financially Independent at Work

When you have reached financial independence – in which you no longer HAVE to work for income – work feels different. There is no longer that stress where you are depending on a paycheck. You can approach work a bit more lightly.

You are no longer afraid to speak up. This is because you aren’t afraid to lose your job since technically you don’t need it anymore. Thus, you are willing to speak your mind and not be afraid of repercussions.  If you feel like something is not fair in the workplace, you can point it out.

You are more likely to ask for a raise or negotiate a different schedule. You are more likely to request to work remotely. You are more likely to ask for a sabbatical. You have nothing to lose, so why not? Being financially independent allows you to make work fit into your life, and not the other way around.

Work is better when you don’t need the money. You do not have to put up with the stressors of work. Nor do you have outside financial stressors that interfere with your workload. It allows you to approach work with a different mindset. 

Now that I am financially independent, I never take a job I do not want. I make sure I am compensated fairly and always negotiate my pay. I am usually the advocate for others at work, who are too afraid to speak up since they are dependent on their job. I also make sure I am treated fairly and do not have to work more than I expected to. 

Even though I have chosen to continue working after reaching financial independence, it makes work even better!

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